CBD Massage

from $145.00

A Swedish or deep tissue massage incorporating CBD to aid in deep relaxation, deep muscle and fascia release, injury treatment, pain relief & skin hydration. The effects of CBD oil massage can last for up to two hours and is a holistic way to heal and treat your body and mind.

*Take home any remaining oil for use at home!

To schedule an appointment, click on “Make Appointment”.

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A Deep Dive into CBD Massages in Kirkland

You’ve probably heard about the incredible healing and pain relieving properties of CBD. But did you know that combining CBD with massage therapy can result in a synergistic experience that amplifies the therapeutic effects of both? You will be in good hands with Kirkland’s CBD Massage destination, the Butter Massage Spa.

What is a CBD Massage?

A CBD massage is a type of massage therapy that combines the power of therapeutic massage with pain-relieving and calming properties of Cannabidiol (CBD) oil. The oil is applied to the skin during the massage along with other essential oils for added relaxation benefits. Depending on your needs as well as personal preferences, your therapist may choose to use light, medium, or deep tissue techniques to work out muscle tension and knots.

How Does a CBD Massage Improve Health?

There are numerous ways in which a CBD massage can benefit your health. First, it helps reduce stress and tension in the body by allowing muscles to relax. This can also help increase circulation which can reduce inflammation in certain areas. Additionally, because CBD has natural anti-inflammatory properties, it helps reduce pain associated with chronic illnesses like arthritis or fibromyalgia. Finally, because it triggers endorphin release it can also provide an overall sense of wellbeing and relaxation even after the session is over.

What is a CBD Massage Experience Like from Butter Massage Spa in Kirkland?

The experience of getting a CBD massage varies from person to person depending on their individual needs and preferences. Generally speaking though, you will begin by discussing any areas where you are experiencing pain or discomfort with your therapist so they can tailor the treatment accordingly. Once you are comfortable on the table they will apply warm towels soaked in essential oils before beginning to work out any tight muscles using various techniques including Swedish massage strokes as well as deeper ones if needed. Throughout this process they will be applying drops of high-quality organic hemp oil directly onto your skin for added relief. Once finished you should feel restored and refreshed.

A CBD massage offers an incredible combination of relaxation, stress relief, improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and endorphin production - all working together for maximum benefit. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain or just looking for some extra self-care time - there's no doubt that adding this type of treatment into your routine could be life-changing.

We hope you enjoy your CBD Massage with Kirkland’s Butter Massage Spa.